Effective methods of traditional medicine against prostatitis

Prostatitis is a complex disease that affects the prostate gland. Its main danger lies in the fact that in the initial stages of development no manifestations are observed. At the same time, the destructive processes in the body continue. The pathology causes severe psychological discomfort in men, but they are afraid to go to the doctor, so they endure until the symptoms become more pronounced.

Characteristics of the symptoms

Prostatitis begins to develop after 35 years. The risk group includes overweight patients and people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Contribute to the appearance of the disease hypothermia, bad habits, infections of the genitourinary system. To get rid of the problem, you can treat prostatitis with folk remedies at home. But this method is used only in combination with traditional medicine and after consulting a doctor.

Inflammation of the prostate occurs for various reasons, so there are several types of the disease, each of which has its own manifestations. As there is stagnation of the secretion during the defeat of the organ, the condition worsens even more. The pathology is acute or chronic.

Acute development of the disease

nervous tension as a cause of prostatitis

If the disease appears suddenly, the symptoms will be bright and pronounced. There are such signs of prostatitis:

  • increase in body temperature to high rates (38 degrees or more);
  • feeling of pain, chills;
  • pain syndrome in the lumbar region, sacrum, perineum;
  • disability, general weakness;
  • mood swings;
  • severe sleep problems.

There are specific symptoms of prostatitis:

  • difficulty urinating, increased frequency of going to the toilet (especially at night);
  • the presence of mucus particles in the biological fluid;
  • decrease in the amount of urine, change in its color;
  • sharp pain every time you try to go to the toilet.

With each passing minute, the discomfort intensifies and spreads to other parts of the body.

Manifestations of a chronic process in remission and exacerbation

If a patient with an acute form of prostatitis has not consulted a doctor, one should not think that the problem will disappear on its own - this is a myth. It becomes chronic. Manifestations periodically fade and worsen. The following signs of the disease are distinguished:

pain in a man with prostatitis
  • Itching in the urethra.
  • Mild intermittent pain in the perineum, rectum, lower abdomen.
  • Increased urge to urinate at night, as well as retention of a small amount of fluid in the bladder.
  • Problems with sexual function: erectile dysfunction, ejaculation.
  • Increased discomfort during sexual intercourse.

If chronic prostatitis is in the acute stage, then the intensity of symptoms increases slightly. The patient becomes irritable, the emotional background is destabilized.

A person often develops a depressed state, closes in on himself. If treatment is not started on time, then there is a possibility of adenoma, cancer.

Distinctive symptoms of different types of prostatitis

There are different types of prostatitis according to the etiological factor:

> zxtable border = "1" cellpadding = "0" >Type of pathology Characteristic Infectious Such prostatitis is caused by various pathogens. It is characterized by dysfunction of the genitourinary system, there are changes in the composition of blood and other biological fluids Bacterial Such prostatitis is caused by various pathogens. It is characterized by dysfunction of the genitourinary system, there are changes in the composition of blood and other biological fluids calculating It develops due to the presence of stones (stones) in the gland. This type of disease occurs mainly in elderly patients. A person has the following signs: pain in the pelvis or sacral area, which intensifies after sexual intercourse or other physical activity. Due to damage to the walls of the organ and channels in the urine, a small amount of blood is found. Erectile function is impaired, irritation, apathy appear stagnated There are no changes in the composition of biological fluids. The symptoms of prostatitis are mild. The patient has difficulty urinating, sometimes the temperature rises, pain is felt. The patient is in a state of anxiety. He may have sex, but this is accompanied by discomfort, weakening of the intensity of orgasm Purulent This case is considered the most difficult. Over time, the symptoms become more intense. The person has pain, fever and pus is excreted from the urethra

The symptoms of prostatitis in men are very similar to each other and have only a small difference in the characteristics of the manifestation. If the disease is not treated, the patient develops impotence, urination problems and psychological disorders.

Prostate treatment at home

Many patients hope that the disease will go away on its own, but the reality is quite different. The longer a person delays a visit to the doctor, the faster the pathology will become chronic. It is treatable, but it requires timely examination and an integrated approach.

Prostatitis therapy should address the following goals:

  1. Destroys the pathogenic microflora that causes the inflammatory process.
  2. Improving microcirculation and blood circulation in the prostate.
  3. Remove swelling and congestion.
  4. Provide an increase in potency.
  5. Activate the production of prostate juice by the gland.
  6. Block the symptoms of the pathology.

Home treatment is allowed if the disease has no complications.

Advantages and disadvantages

herbs for prostatitis

If you decide to use folk remedies at home, you must first get the doctor's comments. Old proven recipes have the following advantages:

  • Some herbs contain natural antibiotics, so the fight against the disease is more effective.
  • Medicinal plants combine a large number of useful substances, which is why they have a multifaceted effect.
  • Stimulate the body's defenses.
  • Herbs cause fewer side effects than medications.
  • Herbal medicines can be used for a long time.
  • They relieve stress and nervous tension that accompanies prostatitis.
  • The presented drugs can be used for prevention.
  • They are able to get rid of several problems at once.
  • It can be combined with drugs.

But this type of treatment also has some drawbacks. Herbs are also able to cause an allergic reaction, they increase or decrease the effect of traditional medicines.

Indications for prostatitis

Alternative prescriptions are used if the pharmaceutical products are contraindicated for the patient (there is an allergic reaction or there are other restrictions). It is possible to apply such methods of therapy in the early stages of prostatitis. It is better to consult your doctor first.

Types of treatment

You can quickly cure prostatitis if the therapy is complex and the patient follows all the recommendations of the doctor. Fighting the problem includes medication, folk remedies, massage, physiotherapy. One will also have to follow the rules of rational nutrition.


Patients are prescribed the following drugs:

  1. Rectal suppositories. They are used to improve metabolic processes at the site of injury, eliminate spasms, inflammation.
  2. Injections with immunomodulators.
  3. NSAIDs. Such tablets stop the pathological process and relieve symptoms by reducing the intensity of inflammation.
  4. Enema based on solutions with medicinal herbs.
  5. Instillations in the urethra with drugs.
  6. Antibiotics. They are used only after consultation with a doctor and transmission of the sensitivity of bacteria to the active substance.
  7. Muscle relaxants. They are prescribed by a doctor and are used only if other drugs are ineffective.
  8. Corticosteroids.
  9. Alpha blockers. Such drugs help to relax smooth muscles and restore the process of urination.
  10. vitamins.
  11. Means that restore blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Home physiotherapy equipment

You can cure prostatitis in men at home with the help of physiotherapy procedures. You do not need to visit the clinic for this. Modern devices are compact, so they can be used at home. The following devices are considered the most efficient:

  1. Vibrators. They help to get rid of pain, eliminate stagnant processes (due to the influence of glandular products it is possible to obtain prostate juice). The muscles of the perineum are toned, the intensity of inflammation decreases.
  2. electrical impact. The electrodes can be rectal or dermal.
  3. magnetic influence. This technique allows you to eliminate swelling of the prostate, pain. An ordinary magnet is allowed to be used at home. It is enough to put on the perineal area every day before bedtime.

The presented devices give a good effect, but also have some contraindications for use. You can not use them in the presence of proctitis, neoplasms in the rectum, with exacerbation of chronic disease.

It will not work completely to cure prostatitis in such ways if it is neglected. However, when special devices are used in conjunction with medications and other methods, recovery can be accelerated. In difficult cases, the patient needs surgery.

Folk recipes

To prevent surgery, it is necessary to begin treatment in the early stages of pathology. At this stage, folk recipes will be effective:

> zxtable border = "1" cellpadding = "0" >Means Characteristic Onions You will need 100 g of vegetables and 600 ml of dry white wine. The components are mixed and infused for 10 days. The liquid is then filtered. You should take the medicine for 3 teaspoons before eating. Onion peel is also used for its preparation. Wash, place in an enamel dish, pour 700 ml of water and simmer for 5 minutes. The drug is infused for one hour. After straining the liquid can be drunk at 0, 5 tsp three times a day. Decoction of chamomile It is used for sedentary baths, which relieve pain and general discomfort in prostatitis. The plant has an antiseptic effect. aspen bark 100 g of crushed raw materials and 200 ml of vodka are needed. The mixture should be infused for 2 weeks in a dark place. Drink the drug should be twice a day after meals for 1 tsp. The course of therapy is 10 days. Pumpkin seeds To normalize the condition, you need to eat 30 pieces a day. Another 500 g of raw materials can be twisted in a meat grinder mixed with 200 g of natural honey. The mixture is rolled into balls and consumed 1-2 times a day. The course of therapy is 1 month. The drug should be stored in a refrigerator. Here it is important to be careful: bee products often cause allergies. Parsley The seeds of the plant must be ground to a powder. Then 2 teaspoons of raw materials are poured with 100 ml of water. The mixture should be boiled on low heat for 15 minutes. In prostatitis you should drink fluid three times a day before meals, 1 tsp. Garlic It takes 3 cloves of vegetables to chop, put in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse overnight. Take the drug should be 100 ml twice daily on an empty stomach. Blooming Sally Requires 1 tbsp. l. crushed plant is flooded with 200 ml of boiling water. After infusion (40 minutes) the liquid is filtered and consumed 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. Baking soda In prostatitis it acts as an antiseptic for baths and lotions. For this 1 tbsp. l. powder is diluted in 1 liter of water. The liquid should be cooled slightly before use. Propolis, dead bees It is necessary to combine 1 part of the raw materials with 2 parts of medical alcohol and store in the refrigerator for 14 days. In addition, 35 drops of the product are dissolved in 100 ml of heated milk and consumed three times daily before meals. Blueberry, birch, nettle, horsetail, gooseberry, sage leaves All herbs are taken in the same proportions, flooded with water (250 ml) and boiled for 15 minutes. The drug is taken after meals, 50-100 ml. Pauline The herb remarkably copes with purulent prostatitis. 100 g of dry raw materials are needed to grind the powder. Initially swallowed in a pinch every 2-3 hours (and at night). After a few days the grass is used 5-6 times for 4 days. Hydrogen peroxide It is diluted with water and used for enemas or showers (by the method of Neumivakin).

You can also apply treatment with leeches. They dilute the blood, inject nutrients into the body. St. John's wort and milk thistle provide a diuretic effect, eliminate inflammation. Proper treatment of prostatitis in men with folk remedies is needed, step by step, following the instructions for preparing home remedies.

Advantages of therapeutic exercise and massage

Massage will help the patient to fight the pathology. Feedback on it is positive, as kneading the prostate helps eliminate stagnation, restores erectile function, relieves swelling and pain. Improves blood circulation in the affected tissues. Even the patient's wife can do it. It is important that her movements do not cause discomfort. Feedback on therapeutic massage is positive, but it must be performed correctly, taking into account the contraindications.

Gymnastics is no less useful for prostatitis. It is enough to do the simplest exercises every day to improve the condition of the inflamed organ very soon. The man should take a semi-sitting position and consistently raise his knees. You can contract and relax the muscles of the anus for 10 seconds.

Eating rules

Acute prostatitis is characterized by very pronounced manifestations. In the chronic type of pathology there are periods of deterioration and remission. Diet contributes to the stabilization of the life process. The diet should include vegetables and fruits, fresh juices, salads, nuts, lemon, celery. The menu is chosen individually for each patient. If he follows the rules of nutrition in prostatitis, he will be able to achieve the following result:

  • Normalization of blood circulation in the affected organ.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Stabilize intestinal function.
  • Reduce irritation of the bladder mucosa and eliminate pain.
  • Reduce the frequency of going to the toilet at night.

Fatty, spicy dishes, spices, strong coffee, alcohol should be excluded. After recovery, you will need to follow a diet to avoid recurrence.

Additional recommendations for treatment at home

A characteristic feature of prostatitis is its slow and often asymptomatic course. This situation is typical of the early stages of development. To get rid of the problem, you should take into account the following advice from doctors:

  • Keep your weight within normal limits.
  • Exclude from the menu all products made from wheat.
  • Take probiotics.
  • Replace animal protein with vegetable.
  • You do not have to put up with if you want to go to the toilet (the risk of developing an infectious process in the urethra is excluded).
  • With prostatitis, it is better to give up coffee and drink green tea instead.
  • Do sports (you should not overload the body and all exercises are performed during remission).
  • Drink enough fluids (to avoid intoxication of the body).

Following simple rules will allow you to quickly overcome prostatitis.

Lifestyle with prostatitis

For effective recovery of the affected tissues after prostatitis, it is necessary to follow the treatment tactics chosen by the doctor. Drugs should not be abused. The man should not overcool or overheat the genitals. It is better to avoid casual unprotected sex so as not to get an infection.

Behavior change includes increased physical activity, changes in diet and regular sex life.

If a person has a sedentary job, then every hour he should walk for 5 minutes, perform simple gymnastic exercises.

sexual therapy

Sex is great as a prostate massage, because in the process there is a reduction in the tissues of the body, improves microcirculation and the emotional state of the man is stabilized. Regular sexual intercourse prevents stagnation of prostate juice. If it is not possible to have sex with a woman, the man can use masturbation. The main thing is to achieve the effect - ejaculation.

Complications and prevention of prostatitis

If prostatitis is not cured in time, then the man will develop complications: urethritis, erection problems that can make an impotent person healthy. The disease is fraught with infertility. The long course of the pathological process causes irreversible changes in the tissues. Subsequently, cancer develops. Prevention of prostatitis is the patient's compliance with the recommendations of doctors:

  • Exercise regularly and do not sit in one position for a long time.
  • Follow the principles of proper nutrition.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle).
  • Give up bad habits.

Prostatitis is a dangerous disease that must be treated when the first symptoms appear. Folk remedies, physiotherapy and medicines will help get rid of the problem quickly and effectively.